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STARSkater Code of Conduct

All members shall always demonstrate good sportsmanship, courtesy, consideration and respect towards others.

Respect skaters’ self esteem.  Encouraging words are welcome. Bragging, boasting, and put downs are neither acceptable nor tolerated in any way. This is especially important on Test Days and at Competitions. We encourage Personal Bests, not medals.

Any parent/skater who believes a child’s self esteem or skating ability is being attacked by another skater should first speak to their skater’s coach, who will in turn discuss the situation with the appropriate parties. In the event that an acceptable outcome is not achieved OR the parent is uncomfortable discussing the situation with the coach, the parent is advised to approach a member of SMSC’s Board of Directors.

Manners are important.  Coaches should not be asked to move and they should always be shown respect. Yelling across the ice is not appropriate. Please be respectful of all skaters and coaches at all times.

What to wear on the ice, for new to Starskate skaters.  Appropriate clothing on the ice will enhance your skater's ability to practice the skills they are learning, your priority is to be warm and comfortable. You may wear skating dresses, skirts or leggings (proper skating leggings) no denim.  These may be worn with warm tights, sweatshirts, sweaters or lightweight jackets, hoodies are not recommended. Gloves are important, skaters should always have a spare pair in their skate bag.  Clothing needs to be comfortable and not restrict movement, hair should be kept neatly away from the face, tied back.

Use appropriate language.  Swearing or the use of abusive language while on the ice, in one of our off-ice classes or any other part of the arena is not appropriate.   The rink is a training centre for all ages.

Be safe on the ice.  Skaters are permitted to take to the ice only after the zamboni has left the ice, the zamboni gate is closed, and a coach is either rinkside or on the ice. Skaters shall always be aware of all other skaters on the ice and shall maintain a safe distance from all other skaters. Skaters performing a program or pattern to music have priority of movement over all other skaters, followed by skaters taking a private lesson; all other skaters are required to give way. 

Skaters may NOT request or communicate requests for music to be played. Do not stand still in the middle of the ice.  If you do take a break, make sure to stand against the boards away from the LUTZ corners. Do not stop and talk to spectators in the viewing gallery. This creates a potentially dangerous situation since you are not paying attention to other skaters. Never chew gum while on the ice.

Respect skaters having a lesson. A private lesson should never be interrupted or interfered with, by another skater or any other person.

Respect the designated session. No FREESKATING is allowed during the dance portion of the session unless a skater is in a lesson with a coach. When a session includes Stroking, all skaters are expected to participate.

Use the appropriate dressing rooms. The designated dressing room for boys is # 17, the designated dressing room for families is # 14, and dressing rooms 15 and 16 are reserved for girls only. Under no circumstances shall a person of the opposite gender enter into a dressing room designated "boys" or "girls".

Respect skaters' personal belongings.  Handle others' possessions with the same care and consideration you would expect.  This is a fundamental part of fostering a favourable and trustworthy environment.  This includes not taking or removing items from others' bags without permission, as doing so violates their privacy and personal space.  Engaging in pranks or games at the expense of others, especially involving their belongings, is disrespectful and a severe breach of trust and privacy.  Everyone deserves to feel secure in their environment.

Respect the skater-coach relationship. The first coach hired by the skater’s parents for private lessons is known as the base or primary coach.  In accordance with Skate Canada guidelines, any other coach wishing to teach the skater in any discipline must first get approval from the Primary Coach.  Please be aware it is against Skate Canada guidelines for any coach to “solicit” a skater away from another coach.  If after meeting and discussion with their Primary Coach, a skater and parent determine that it is in the skater’s best interest and there are valid and beneficial reasons to make a coaching change, then etiquette dictates that the skater’s parents ask their selected new coach if they would be willing and have time to teach the skater, if so, then the parents inform the former coach of the change and pay them in full before taking any lessons from the new coach.  Skate Canada and SMSC requires that the former primary coach gracefully relinquish any skater that wishes to change coaches.

Violations of SMSC’s STARSkater Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. If you have concerns, either speak to your skater’s coach, or seek out a member of our Board of Directors.

Members/Parents will be contacted if skaters act contrary to the code of conduct and in severe and/or repeat cases a suspension of membership (short or long term) is possible.

Read Skate Canada's Code of Ethics

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