Rowan's Law
Rowan’s Law was named for Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, who died in the spring of 2013 from a condition known as Second Impact Syndrome (swelling of the brain caused by a subsequent injury that occurred before a previous injury healed). Rowan is believed to have experienced three concussions over six days while playing rugby. She had a concussion but didn’t know her brain needed time to heal. Neither did her parents, teachers or coaches.
Rowan's law is designed to create a safer environment for competitive amateur athletes, youth and children to play sport.
Knowing how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion, and what to do if a concussion happens – whether you’re an athlete, parent, coach, sports club officer or administrator - saves lives.
Concussion Acknowledgement form must be accepted/signed annually during your first program registration for the season. Skater will not be allowed to participate on any club programs until the SMSC receives the completed acknowledgement form.
Skaters and their parents registering for CanSkate, CanPowerSkate or STAR 1-4 programs are exempt from this requirement.
- Concussion Awareness Resource (Ages 10 and under)
- Concussion Awareness Resource (Ages 11 to 14)
- Concussion Awareness Resource (Ages 15 and up)
- Athletes and Parents/Guardians Acknowledgement Form
- Overview for Coaches and Officials
- Overview for Club and School Administrators
- Skate Ontario Concussion Code of Conduct- Athletes and Parents/Guardians
- Skate Ontario Concussion Code of Conduct- Coaches and Officials
For more information about Rowan's Law, please visit Skate Ontario's website.