Adult Skater Code of Conduct
All members shall always demonstrate good sportsmanship, courtesy, consideration and respect towards others.
Be safe on the ice. Skaters are permitted to take to the ice only after the zamboni has left the ice, the zamboni gate is closed, and a coach is either rinkside or on the ice. Skaters should take to the ice in an orderly manner, without pushing or shoving. Never chew gum while on the ice.
Use the appropriate dressing rooms. Please check which dressing room to use.
Use appropriate language. Swearing or the use of abusive language while on the ice, in one of our dressing rooms or any other part of the arena is not appropriate. The rink is a training centre for all ages.
Violations of SMSC’s Adult Skate Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. If you have concerns, either speak to your skater’s coach, or seek out a member of our Board of Directors.
Members/parents will be contacted if skaters act contrary to the code of conduct and in severe and/or repeat cases a suspension of membership (short or long term) is possible.