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CanSkate Skills Chart


Stage 1
  • Agility+ Stationary 180° turn
        ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Stationary 2-ft jump
    + Fwd skating perimeter of ice
    Balance+ Fall down & get up
    + Fwd skating
    + Fwd 2-ft glide
    + Fwd 2-ft sit glide
    Control+ Snow slides steps ❒R ❒L
    + Bwd skating
    + Bwd 2-ft glide
Stage 2
  • Agility+ Fwd 2-ft turn
    + Bwd 2-ft turn
    + Fwd 180° glide turn
       ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Fwd 2-ft jump
    Balance+ Fwd 2-ft sculling
    + Fwd 2-ft to 1-ft glide ❒R ❒L
    + Fwd push/glide sequence
    + Fwd 1-ft glide with speed
       ❒R ❒L
    Control+ Fwd stop
    + Bwd 2-ft sit glide
    + Bwd 2-ft to 1-ft glide ❒R ❒L
    + Bwd push/glide sequence
Stage 3
  • Agility+ Fwd 2-ft quick turn
    + Bwd 2-ft quick turn
    + Fwd 360° step turn
    + Bwd 2-ft jump
    + Fast fwd perimeter skating ❒CW ❒CCW
    Balance+ Fwd stationary blade push
       (T, V or L) ❒R ❒L
    + Fwd 2-ft slalom
    + Fwd circle thrusts
       ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Walking crosscuts ❒R ❒L
    + Fwd 2-ft to 1-ft curve glide
        ❒R ❒L
    Control+ Fwd stop with speed (2/3) ❒R ❒L ❒2-ft
    + Bwd 2-ft sculling
    + Bwd 2-ft to 1-ft glide ❒R ❒L
    + Bwd push/glide sequence
    + Bwd 1-ft glide with speed ❒R ❒L
Stage 4
  • Agility+ Fwd 1-ft turn (small curve) ❒FI ❒FO
    + Bwd 360° glide turn
    + Fwd to bwd 2-ft jump
    + Bwd to fwd 2-ft jump
    + 2-ft spin
    + 2-ft sit spin
    Balance+ Fwd crosscuts ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Fwd Inside slalom
    + Fwd Outside slalom
    + Fwd lunge
    + Fwd spiral
    + Drop-down drill
    + Fwd “V” start
    Control+ Bwd stop
    + Bwd circle thrusts ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Bwd 2-ft slalom
    + Bwd 1-ft glide with curve ❒R ❒L
    + Sustained Fwd 1-ft glide blue line-blue line ❒R ❒L
    + Speed drill #1: skate goal line to 1st blue line in 9 seconds or less
Stage 5
  • Agility+ Fwd 1-ft turn (lg curve) ❒RO ❒RI ❒LO ❒LI
    + Fwd 360° glide turn ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Fwd to Bwd 1-ft jump ❒FO ❒FI
    + Fwd power jump
    + 1- ft spin
    + Alternating foot spin
    + Fwd tight glide turns
    Balance+ Fwd crosscuts – figure 8
    + Fwd Inside edges
    + Fwd push/glide sequence
    + Fwd perimeter skating with jumps
    + Inside Spread Eaglel
    + Fwd 1-ft slalom
    + Running lateral crossovers
    Control+ Fwd 2-ft side stop ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Bwd stop with speed (2/3) ❒R ❒L ❒2 ft
    + Bwd crosscuts ❒CW ❒CCW
    + Bwd Inside slalom
    + Bwd push/glide sequence
    + Bwd spiral
    + Speed Drill #2 – skate goal line to 2nd blue line in 12 seconds or less

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